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Martin Sleziak
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$A $, $ C$ (n$(n,n)$ are symmetric PSD matrices,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $B$ is PD symmetric matrix, and $H_i$ $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $$\; $ $H_i$$(i=[1,m])$ represent $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m$ m $ complex matrices. $ complexe matrices. $$ H_i$$H_i$ are all one rank matrix

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

$A $, $ C$ (n,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $ $H_i$ $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m $ complexe matrices. $$ H_i$ are all one rank matrix

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

$A $, $ C$ $(n,n)$ are symmetric PSD matrices, $B$ is PD symmetric matrix, and $H_i$ $\; $ $(i=[1,m])$ represent $ m $ complex matrices. $H_i$ are all one rank matrix

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

added 34 characters in body
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hichem hb
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$A $, $ C$ (n,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $ $H_i$ $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m $ complexe matrices$ complexe matrices. $$ H_i$ are all one rank matrix

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

$A $, $ C$ (n,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $ $H_i$ $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m $ complexe matrices

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

$A $, $ C$ (n,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $ $H_i$ $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m $ complexe matrices. $$ H_i$ are all one rank matrix

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$

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hichem hb
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find a PSD matrix that that verify matrices sum of equality

$A $, $ C$ (n,n)$\;are \;symmetric\; PSD \; matrices, $B $\;is\;PD symmetric \;matrix ,and $ $H_i$ $\; $$(i=[1,m]) $$ represent $ m $ complexe matrices

Our objectif is to find PSD matrix X that enable:

$A\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m - 1} {{H_i}(B + X){H_i} + A(X + B) + {H_m}(B + X) = C}$