Let $p$ be any odd number, and compute $1/p$ to $p$ decimal places. Compare your answer with the string that is formed by appending all remainders of $(10^n\ \text{mod p}) \text{ mod p}$ where ${0 < n < p}$. You will find that all answers are the same for all ${p}$'s of the form ${10k + 9}$.
Here is a strange property of $109$. The decimal expansion of $1/109$ contains the Fibonacci sequence, the ending sequenceend of the period of the non-terminating periodic decimal expansion of $1/109$ is $...7247706422018348623853211$, from right to left is the Fibonacci sequence (if the sum $f_{n - 1} + f_{n - 2}$ is greater than 10, then carry $1$ and add it to the next term).
- isIs there any number $p$ apart fromother than $109$ whose $1/p$reciprocal is a fibonacciFibonacci sequence?
- isIs there any published work about this?