I know that the Euler product of a summation of multiplicative function is given by
$$\sum_nf(n)=\prod_p (1+f(p)+f(p^2)+....),$$ and
and if we have the Möbius function then it will be
$$\sum_n\mu (n)f(n)=\prod_p (1+f(p)).$$
I would like to know if there is a general formula for Euler product of a double summation? I saw in one of the papers he applied the Euler product like this
$$ \sum_{a,r}\mu (a)f(a)^2\mu (r)\frac{f(r)}{\sqrt{r}}=\prod_p (1+f(p)^2+\frac{f(p)}{\sqrt{p}})$$
I know that the Möbius function vanish all other terms, but I would like to know the general one without the Mobius.