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Willie Wong
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Nonlinear EllipticalElliptic PDE in 2D

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the following form: $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$- They give existence conditions, and describsdescribe the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

Nonlinear Elliptical PDE in 2D

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the following form: $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$- They give existence conditions, and describs the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

Nonlinear Elliptic PDE in 2D

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the following form: $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$- They give existence conditions, and describe the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

Title more informative + small grammar mistake
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Amir Sagiv
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Nonlinear scalar fieldsElliptical PDE in 2D Following Lions

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the sortfollowing form: $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$, gives- They give existence conditions, and describesdescribs the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

Nonlinear scalar fields in 2D Following Lions

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the sort $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$, gives existence conditions, and describes the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

Nonlinear Elliptical PDE in 2D

In their seminal paper from 1983, Berestycki and Lions study and analyze equations of the following form: $$ -\Delta u = f(u), \quad u:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathbb{R} \,.$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$.

Their analysis is quite full for $d=1,3$- They give existence conditions, and describs the structure of the $C^2$ localized solutions. In the end of the paper, they explain why $d=2$ is harder, and there are no known similar results for it.

My Question: More then 30 years have passed - has anyone made a similar analysis for $d=2$?

edited tags; edited title
Willie Wong
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Nonlinear Homogeneous ODE'sscalar fields in 2D Following Lions

grammar and math details
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Amir Sagiv
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another detail
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Amir Sagiv
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Amir Sagiv
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