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Nate Eldredge
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$\mathbb{P}^x(E) \le \lambda |x|^\alpha?$ Probability that planar Brownian motion doesn't "encircle" 0

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$\mathbb{P}^x(E) \le \lambda |x|^\alpha?$

Suppose $B_t$ is a standard Brownian motion in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $T = \text{inf}\{t : |B_t| = 1\}$. Let $E$ denote the event that $0$ is contained in the unbounded component of $\mathbb{R}^2 \setminus B[0, T]$. Do there exist $\lambda < \infty$ and $\alpha > 0$ such that for all $|x| < 1$, we have$$\mathbb{P}^x(E) \le \lambda |x|^\alpha?$$