Let $X$ and $X'$ be smooth closed manifolds. Take closed subpolyhedra $D\subset X$ and $D'\subset X'$ (with respect to some triangulations) and let $f:X\to X'$ be a homotopy equivalence such that $f(D)=D'$ and the restriction of $f$ to $D$ is also a homotopy equivalence. Is it possible for the complements $X-D$ and $X'-D'$ to have different rational homotopy types, assuming all spaces ($X,X',D,D'X-D,X'-D'$) simply-connected?
Here is some motivation behind the question: if we replace the rational homotopy type with the integral one and do not require the spaces to be simply connected, then the answer is yes, as shown in a paper by R. Longoni and P. Salvatore http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0401075http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0401075; a much simpler example is in Ryan's comment below. On the other hand, additively the cohomology of $X-D$ and $X'-D'$ is obviously the same.
upd: in the first version of the question the simple connectedness condition was missing. Apologies for the mix-up.