The functions $p^*_k(x)=\sum_{i=1}^N ((x_i-i)^k-(-i)^k)$ are analogues of power sum symmetric functions, called shifted symmetricshifted symmetric by Okounkov and Olshanski. Define $p^*_{(k_1,k_2,...)}=p^*_{k_1}p^*_{k_2}...$.
We knownknow that the sum $\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{\mu\vdash n}C_\mu \chi_\lambda(\mu)p_\mu(x)=s_\lambda(x)$ returns Schur functions (where $C_\mu$ is the size of a conjugacy class in the permutation group and $\chi$ are the irreducible characters of this group).
My question is: what is known about the result of $\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{\mu\vdash n}C_\mu \chi_\lambda(\mu)p_\mu^*(x)$$f_\lambda(x):=\frac{1}{n!}\sum_{\mu\vdash n}C_\mu \chi_\lambda(\mu)p_\mu^*(x)$? Is itthis related to shifted Schur functionsshifted Schur functions? What properties does itthis function share with the usual Schur functions?