Let $X$ and $Y$ be two real-analytic manifolds and $Z \subset X \times Y$ be a real-analytic embedded closed submanifold. Suppose now that $K \in \mathscr D'(X \times Y)$ is a distribution conormal to $Z$, i.e. $K \in I^m(X\times Y,Z)$ for some $m$. It defines the F.I.O. $A_K \colon C^\infty_c(X) \to \mathscr D'(Y)$ such that for any $u \in C^\infty_c(X)$, $v \in C^\infty_c(Y)$ the equality $\langle A_K u, v\rangle = \langle K, u \otimes v \rangle$ holds. If $\dot N^\ast Z \subset \dot T^\ast X \times \dot T^\ast Y$ (dot means the zero section removed) then $A_K \colon C^\infty_c(X) \to C^\infty(|\Lambda|Y)$ and we can extend $A_K$ to $A_K \colon \mathscr E'(X) \to \mathscr D'(Y)$.
I would like to estimate the analytical wavefront set $WF_A(u)$ of $u \in \mathscr E'(X)$ given $WF_A(A_Ku)$. Please tell me, are there some related results in literature? If I'm not mistaken, if $\dot N^\ast Z$ is
UPD. I have realized that I don't have a graphgood answer even in the case of some bijective symplectomorphism $\pi$ fromthe ordinary $\dot T^\ast X$ to$C^\infty$ wavefront set $\dot T^\ast Y$ and$WF$. Suppose that $A_K$ is elliptic thenproper $\dot T^\ast_y Y \cap WF_A(A_K u) = \varnothing$ must imply(hence it maps $\pi^{-1}(\dot T^\ast Y) \cap WF_A(u) = \varnothing$ but$\mathscr E'(X) \to \mathscr E'(Y))$ and suppose it has a left parametrix $B$, so that $BA - I_X$ has a $C^\infty$ kernel. Then we can write $$ WF(u) = WF(BA_Ku) \subset C^{-1} \circ WF(A_K u), \quad C = (\dot N^\ast Z)'. $$ This is the desired estimate in the case of $C^\infty$ wavefront set but according to the proof it holds for proper FIOs with left parametrixes. It is possible to say something in general, e.g. when $\dot N^\ast Z$ is only a local canonical graphthe case of nonproper but elliptic FIOs? Does this inclusion still hold?