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Continuous functions as uniformly continuous function?

Three question concerninng metrics on the real line:

Is there a metric $d$ on $\Bbb{R}$ such that a function $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ is ( or $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ or $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$) is continuous if and only if $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous ?

Continuous functions as uniformly continuous function?

Is there a metric $d$ on $\Bbb{R}$ such that a function $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ is continuous if and only if $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous ?

Continuous functions as uniformly continuous function

Three question concerninng metrics on the real line:

Is there a metric $d$ on $\Bbb{R}$ such that a function $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ ( or $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ or $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$) is continuous if and only if $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous ?

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Continuous functions as uniformly continuous function?

Is there a metric $d$ on $\Bbb{R}$ such that a function $f : (\Bbb{R},d) \longrightarrow (\Bbb{R},d)$ is continuous if and only if $f : \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous ?