Clifford theory relates the representation theory of a group to that of a normal subgroup. A good reference for this is Curtis and Reiner's "Methods in Representation theory II", Theorem 11.1.
Theorem: Clifford theory
Le $N $ be a normal subgroup of a finite group $G$. Let $M$ be a simple $kG$-module and $L$ a simple $kN$-submodule of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$. Then the following statements hold:
(i) ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ is a semisimple $kN$-module, and is isomorphic to a direct sum of conjugates of $L$
(ii) the $kN$-homogenous components of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ are permuted transitively by $G$.
(iii) Let $\hat{L}$ be a $kN$-homogenous component of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ containing $L$, and let $\hat{N}=\{ x\in G: x \hat{L}=\hat{L} \}$. Write $G$ as a disjoint union $G=\cup_{i=1}^n g_i \hat{N}$. Then $\{g_iL: 1 \leq i \leq n\}$ is a complete set of non-isomorphic conjugates of $L$, and each appears with equal multiplicity in ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$.
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Theorem (Clifford theory)
Let $N$ be a normal subgroup of a finite group $G$. Let $M$ be a simple $kG$-module and $L$ a simple $kN$-submodule of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$. Then the following statements hold:
The $kN$-module ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ is semisimple, and is isomorphic to a direct sum of conjugates of $L$.
The $kN$-homogenous components of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ are permuted transitively by $G$.
Let $\hat{L}$ be a $kN$-homogenous component of ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$ containing $L$, and let $\hat{N}=\{ x\in G: x \hat{L}=\hat{L} \}$. Write $G$ as a disjoint union $G=\cup_{i=1}^n g_i \hat{N}$. Then $\{g_iL: 1 \leq i \leq n\}$ is a complete set of non-isomorphic conjugates of $L$, and each appears with equal multiplicity in ${\rm res}^G_N(M)$.
I am looking for a reference which generalises this theorem to other algebras. In particular, to the "skew-group ring" situation where a finite group, $G$, acts by automorphisms on an algebra $A$. We then get that Clifford theory relates the representation theories of $A$ and $$A \rtimes G = \textbraceleft \sum_{x \in G} a_x x : a \in A \textbraceright.$$$$ A \rtimes G = \{ \sum_{x \in G} a_x x : a \in A \} . $$
One possible reference for this is Ram and Rammage "Affine Hecke algebras, cyclotomic Hecke algebras and Clifford theory", however they focus on induction and restriction between $A \rtimes G $$A \rtimes G $ and $A \rtimes H$ where $H$ is the inertia group of a given simple module. I would prefer a reference to a theorem of the above form, directly relating $A \rtimes G$$A \rtimes G$ and $A$, so that I can just write "please see...." without going into any more detail. This is lazy of me, I know, but I think that such a reference should exist.