Let $$ A_1\twoheadrightarrow A_2\twoheadrightarrow A_3\twoheadrightarrow A_4\twoheadrightarrow \cdots $$ be an inductive sequence of countable abelian groups, the connecting homomorphisms of which are surjective and split, that is, we have embeddings $A_{n+1}\rightarrowtail A_n$ such that the composition $A_{n+1}\rightarrowtail A_n\twoheadrightarrow A_{n+1}$ is the identity for every $n$. This means that $A_{n+1}$ is a direct summand of $A_n$.
Let $\varinjlim A_n$ denote the inductive limit of the system $$ A_1\twoheadrightarrow A_2\twoheadrightarrow A_3\twoheadrightarrow A_4\twoheadrightarrow \cdots $$ and let $\varprojlim A_n$ denote the projective limit of the system $$ A_1\leftarrowtail A_2\leftarrowtail A_3\leftarrowtail A_4\leftarrowtail \cdots. $$ We get an induced map $$ \varprojlim A_n\to\varinjlim A_n. $$ As Zhen LinZhen Lin has shown in over hereover here, this map need not be surjective. Here is a weaker question:
Question: If we have $\varinjlim A_n=0$, then can we conclude that $\varprojlim A_n=0$?
This would, of course, follow if the map $\varprojlim A_n\to\varinjlim A_n$ was always injective. Is there any reason to expect this?
[Earlier versions of this question were posted herehere and herehere on MSE.]