Firs of all I ask my question, then I explain how this question arises in my mind and lastly what I tried to solve it.
Let $P_{n,N}(k)$ be the number of composition of an integer $k$ in $n$ parts bounded by $N.$ Prove that, if $n$ and $N$ are sufficiently large, $$P_{n,N}(k)\sim N^{n-1}\sqrt{\dfrac{6}{\pi n}}\exp{\left[-\frac{3}{2n}\left(\frac{nN+n-2k}{N}\right)^{2}\right]}.$$
Following a suggestion given by Daniele Tampieri in his answer to this question (I acknowledge Daniele for this inspiring advice), I read the autobiographical work of F. Tricomi [1] where the author describes, together with some autobiographical facts, some of his works. In particular he speaks about his paper [2]. Tricomi says that, in this paper, he considers the number $P_{n,N}(k)$ of composition of an integer $k$ in $n$ parts bounded above by $N$ (I retained the same notations used by Tricomi) and that he proves that, asymptotically, if $n$ and $N$ are sufficiently large, the above estimate holds. That formula reminds me the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula for the number of partitions of an integer.
I found the description of this paper a little bit surprising because Tricomi is best known for his work on ordinary differential equations and special function, not for works on number theory/combinatorics.
Since I am not able to find a copy of the original paper of Tricomi, my question is how to prove his asymptotic formula.
I write down the generating function $$\sum_k P_{n,N}(k)x^k$$ which is trivially $$\left(\frac{x-x^{N+1}}{1-x}\right)^{n}$$ from which one can find the explicit expression $$P_{n,N}(k)=\sum_{j}(-1)^j\binom{n}{j}\binom{k-1-Nj}{n-1}.$$ Then I tried to apply the classical result for the asymptotic estimates in analytic combinatorics (see e.g. [3]) without success.
Perhaps some asymptotic for large binomial coefficient of which I am not aware is necessary?
[1] Tricomi, Francesco; La mia vita di matematico attraverso la cronistoria dei miei lavori. (Bibliografia commentata 1916–1967), Padova: CEDAM – Casa Editrice Dottor Antonio Milani, pp. XII+172 (1967), MR0274255, Zbl 0199.28603.
[2] Tricomi, Francesco; Su di una variabile casuale connessa con un notevole tipo di partizioni di un intero. Giornale dell'Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, 2, 455-468 (1931), JFM 57.0614.02, Zbl 0003.01703.
[3] Flajolet, Philippe; Sedgewick, Robert; Analytic combinatorics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009. xiv+810 pp., MR2483235, Zbl 1165.05001.