How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
For all of the downvoters, can you please explain why you gave me these votes? It seems like many Hartshorne level questions go above math.stackexchange and are more appropriately written here.
How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
updated question with potential answer
How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
Yes, exactly. Sorry I did not put that into the question.
How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
Sure, there is a hirzebruch surface $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{O}\oplus\mathcal{O}(n)) = \text{Proj}(\mathbb{C}[s,t][x,y,z]/(s^ny - t^nz))$ from, but I am not sure how to find such an algebra in general.
How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
For example, $\text{Spec}(\text{Sym}(I/I^2))$ for $I = (xy,xz) \subset \mathbb{C}[x,y,z] = R$ is the scheme $\text{Spec}(R[a,b]/(az-by))$
How do I find the algebra representing the projective bundle of a direct sum of line bundles over a projective space?
No, I want to get an actual algebra presentation for this construction.
Connections and curvature in commutative algebra
You may want to try and look in the characteristic classes chapter at the end of the book "Complex Topological K-theory" by Efton Park. In it he discusses an approach for computing chern classes using connections which has a distinctly algebraic flavor.
How can I construct D-modules over projective space using explicit differential equations?
Oh, why is that true? Do you have a reference?
How can I construct D-modules over projective space using explicit differential equations?
Will $\mathcal{D}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(\mathbb{P}^n) = \mathbb{C}\left[\frac{\partial}{\partial x_0}, \ldots, \frac{\partial}{\partial x_n}\right]$?
Does the $\infty$-groupoid functor $\Pi$ commute with pushouts of nice spaces?
Okay cool, this works for the example I was thinking about: attaching a 2-cell to a torus by the inclusion of a circle homotopic whose attaching map is homotopic to a point. This would give the fundamental groupoid $\Pi(X) \cong \Pi(S^2 \vee (S^1 \times S^1))$
On a Hirzebruch surface
Don't you mean the image of $g$ will be the unique curve with self-intersection $-n$?