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Ellie's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
What proportion of chess positions that one can set up on the board, using a legal collection of pieces, can actually arise in a legal chess game?
@BenCrowell Dear Ben, I thought you might interested in this recent work tackling the structure of the state space of chess: given your interest towards chess and physics.
Statistics of strongly connected components in random directed graphs
@Nathaniel Haha no problem, thanks a lot for the links, looking into them now.
Statistics of strongly connected components in random directed graphs
@Nathaniel Although this is a year old post, but since then, have you finally come across relevant bits of the graph theory literature in regard to study of random digraphs? I am very much interested as well.
What is the probability that two random walkers will meet?
Very neat way of solving it! Does this approach in general remain feasible for multiple (>2) random walkers?
Good books on theory of distributions
@CharlieFrohman Unfortunately the book is nowhere to be found these days :(
Do there exist chess positions that require exponentially many moves to reach?
@TimothyChow Very interesting post! Do you know whether this question (or ones in the same spirit) has been tackled before for the actual 8x8 board?