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Lazzaro Campeotti's user avatar
Lazzaro Campeotti
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
Classification of rational surfaces which is non weak del pezzo
This is the same as asking for a classification of all rational surfaces. Every (smooth) rational surface is a blowup of $\mathbf P^2$ or a Hirzebruch surface. I don't think you can say anything more.
The topology of the space of simple tensors
$PX$ is the image of the Segre embedding of $\mathbf P^{n-1} \times \mathbf P^{m-1}$ into $\mathbf P^{mn-1}$.
(Strict) canonical singularity with no crepant resolution
Does "resolution" here really mean "resolution" or just "partial resolution"? If the former the answer seems to be "yes" for a fairly trivial reason: let $X$ be a variety with one terminal point and one canonical point.
Why is a Kummer surface simply-connected?
@René: but $\widetilde{A}$ has the same fundamental group as $A$.
Why study Higher Sheaf Cohomology?
Regarding your third point, maybe another nice example is intermediate Jacobians and irrationality of cubic threefolds.
What is a Borel subgroup of a linear algebraic group, or affine group scheme?
Jason Starr will show up here soon to tell you why the commas are correct.
(Ordered) Configuration space in algebraic geometry
What is the problem with applying this definition directly to schemes?
References for the minimal model program
Matsuki's book "Introduction to the Mori program" is intended, I think, as a more user-friendly alternative to Koll\'ar--Mori.
Finitely generated Cox ring that is not Du Bois
Can you give a reference for the statement about the Cox ring of a very general HK 4-fold? That is surprising to me.
Given alphabetical ordering of authors, how to establish level of contribution?
I am baffled by the closure of this question. The OP is asking how to do X. Andreas Blass has given clear examples from personal experience of how one can do X. The fact that our social conventions are strongly opposed to doing X is not the issue here.
A question about nef classes on compact Kähler manifolds
@GunnarÞórMagnússon: I am only too familiar with this phenomenon.
A question about nef classes on compact Kähler manifolds
@GunnarÞórMagnússon: how could there be a torsion class in $H^{1,1}(M,\mathbf R)$? That is a real vector space.
Is there a regular surjective map $\psi\!: \mathbb{P}^2 \to X$ over $k$?
(I deleted a response to OP's follow question that said more or less: no, let $X$ be the Fermat $K3$ in characteristic 3.)
Is there a regular surjective map $\psi\!: \mathbb{P}^2 \to X$ over $k$?
@LaurentMoret-Bailly: so it is. That feels strange, but I guess that is because I never thought carefully about it before. Thank you for educating me.
Is there a regular surjective map $\psi\!: \mathbb{P}^2 \to X$ over $k$?
@LaurentMoret-Bailly: I don't think I follow. The OP wants to start with a purely insep. $\varphi$. In my comment $\varphi=i \circ \alpha$. Maybe I am being slow.
Is there a regular surjective map $\psi\!: \mathbb{P}^2 \to X$ over $k$?
Let $X$ be the blowup of $\mathbf P^2$ in a point, $i: \mathbf P^2 \dashrightarrow X$ the obvious birational map, and $\alpha: \mathbf P^2 \dashrightarrow \mathbf P^2$ a purely inseparable endomorphism. Then $i \circ \alpha$ is purely inseparable, but there is no regular map $\mathbf P^2 \rightarrow X$.
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