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  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
Lower bound on the difference of singular values
This doesn't look like algebraic geometry to me.
Relatively concise English expositions of the proofs of the various Weil conjectures
I take it that the book of Freitag-Kiehl has been dismissed?
Where can I find a proof of identity of $H^1(X,T_X)$ and a quotient by the jacobian?
$X$ is smooth and $d$ is the degree of $f$? Have you tried smashing the conormal and Euler short exact sequences against this?
How are moduli stacks used?
I think I understand you somewhat better now. Mumford at least does a calculation that really seems to mean something to me.
depth of ideal in polynomial ring
Are you taking the depth with respect to $(x_1,\dots,x_n)$? The associated primes are homogeneous and finite in number. Doesn't that do it?
Understanding an application of Riemann-Roch in an article
I think the OP's concerns begin with "it follows that..."
How to prove the existence of divisorial Zariski decomposition?
Just a note: the book of Nakayama to which I think you are referring seems to be freely available from Project Euclid.
Extending a prime divisor to a principal divisor
If you want to see a really baby version of this I think Ex. IV.1.9 in Hartshorne is good. Of course, you said you already knew how to do curves and there are many more assumptions there, but still.
Construction of Dualizing sheaf
I take your point about $i^!$. I'm not sure that Hartshorne ever does this. Does this tag from the Stacks project help? I haven't actually looked at your lemma.
Construction of Dualizing sheaf
What, exactly, are you asserting is bogus in Hartshorne's proof?
Vanishing locus of a general section of a vector bundle.
I think this is Lemma 5.2 in "3264 and All That".
Good introductory references on algebraic stacks?
It's probably worth pointing out that Olsson's book will be out soon.
Need a reference/proof for computing the regularity of ideal of points in $\mathbb P^d$?
I guess it depends on what "compute" means. Does something like Corollary 4.7 in Eisenbud's book on syzygies help?
General Reference for surface singularities
There is some good stuff in Chapters 3 and 4 (I think) of Badescu's book. There is also Lipman's classic paper.
Geometric meaning of conductor
You can find a relationship between the conductor ideal and the "adjoint ideal" in 9.3.51 of Lazarsfeld's Positivity.
definition of "immersion" of schemes (without open or closed)
Often a synonym for "locally closed immersion", so a closed embedding into an open subscheme. (I feel like I've seen the opposite order but in Milne's setting it shouldn't matter.)