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Klaus Niederkrüger
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
degree 1 maps for bordism homology
Thank you very much for the references. I'll look them up and see if I have enough knowledge to understand them.
Non-Hamiltonian actions in physics
Clearly, if you have a manifold where the symplectic structure is exact (eg a cotangent bundle $(T^*L, d\lambda)$), and if $X$ is a symplectic vector field leaving $\lambda$ invariant, then $ H_X = \lambda(X) $ is a Hamiltonian function, because $dH_X = d\iota_X \lambda = L_X \lambda - \iota_X d\lambda = - \iota_X \omega$. If $G$ is a compact Lie group acting, average first $\lambda$ over $G$ to obtain an invariant primitive for $\omega$ so that such an action is always Hamiltonian. You will either need to consider actions of non-compact groups or symplectic manifolds that are non-exact.
Which curves are boundary of pseudoholomorphic curves?
improved another formulation after comments by Chris Gerig
Which curves are boundary of pseudoholomorphic curves?
@ChrisGerig I did not really think through all of the details needed to construct the sequence $\{L_k\}$, but any trivialization of $TM|_\gamma$ is isomorphic to any other one. A priori the only difference is that we have $S^1 \times \mathbb{C}^n$, with a certain section $\sigma$ given by the tangent direction of the loop. I think that you can split off $\mathbb{C}\cdot \sigma$ from $S^1 \times \mathbb{C}^n$, the remaining complementary subbundle is still trivial, and we can find then a totally real subbundle to obtain any desired Maslov index, don't we? :|
Which curves are boundary of pseudoholomorphic curves?
@ChrisGerig to construct some $L$, I would simply trivialize the pull-back bundle $f^* TM$ (as a complex bundle). This way I have a trivialization of $TM$ over $\gamma$. Next, I choose a totally real subbundle of $TM|_\gamma$ that contains the direction of the loop. If I apply the exponential map to this subbundle, I get a submanifold, and this submanifold is still close to $\gamma$ totally real. (maybe I need to choose a Riemannian metric such that $\gamma$ is totally geodesic or so?)
Which curves are boundary of pseudoholomorphic curves?
slight improvements of formulation
Which curves are boundary of pseudoholomorphic curves?
I realized that I can improve my explanation to show that there is generically no holomorphic curve.
Two questions on history of symplectic geometry in the 80's
@LSpice I did not know about HSM. Maybe you are right, but I think migrating my question to HSM is just the same as deleting it.
Two questions on history of symplectic geometry in the 80's
@DeaneYang Thank you very much for this story. This is very interesting. I would have expected that somebody had come up with the conjecture, and that different people would have worked in parallel to solve the claim, but not that they also came up independently with the statement. I can imagine what a shocking moment this must be to discover somebody else is just giving a talk about "your" result.
Need help in understanding meaning of a notation and theorem used in research paper due to a reference being in German Language
You should better use "", which in the opinion of everybody I know of is lightyears ahead of google translate for translations between English, German, and French.
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