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  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Splitting the action of functionals in duals of Sobolev spaces
As I explain in the updated question I don't think this has a useful general answer but I'd be very happy to understand why I'm wrong so any ideas are welcome. Thank you very much for the interest!
Splitting the action of functionals in duals of Sobolev spaces
Moving on: the question seems to have a negative answer of sorts.
Splitting the action of functionals in duals of Sobolev spaces
Exactly. If one restricts $g, \varphi \in H^{1 / 2} ( \Gamma)$ to the subsets $_i$ and calls these functions $g_i, \varphi_i$, then $\langle g, \varphi \rangle_{H^{- 1 / 2} ( \Gamma)} = \sum_{i, j} \langle g_i, \varphi_j \rangle_{H^{- 1 / 2} ( \Gamma)}$ and this sum may be split as $\sum_i ( g_i, \varphi_i)_{H^{1 / 2} ( \Gamma_i)} + \sum_{i \neq j} \langle g_i, \varphi_j \rangle_{H^{- 1 / 2} ( \Gamma)}$, but the mixed terms are not representable using the scalar product in $H^{1 / 2} ( \Gamma_i)$.
Splitting the action of functionals in duals of Sobolev spaces
But $n$ is the dimension of the space and the integral is on the boundary so that's one dimension less...
Splitting the action of functionals in duals of Sobolev spaces
Hi, thanks for your interest. I guess you mean the scalar product, right? See for instance these lecture notes, proposition 4.4: . I used this scalar product because the one that came immediately to mind to me from the Gagliardo norm was more complicated, involving differences of the arguments. I haven't actually checked whether they are equivalent, but it seems plausible enough. I've also left out the details about the surface measures using the charts for the boundary $\Gamma$, etc., thinking that was non-essential.