Upper bound on number of integral solutions of elliptic curves
For a specific example, you can do much better in practice. Look at Nigel Smart's "The algorithmic resolution of diophantine equations." Chapter VII.4, or other suggestions given in these answers
Iwasawa theory and an $M$ finitely generated $\Lambda _{\mathcal{O}}$ module
Serre in his Bourbaki talk gave a different proof than in Washington.
Iwasawa theory and an $M$ finitely generated $\Lambda _{\mathcal{O}}$ module
Theorem 13.12 is precisely this theorem when $\mathcal{O}=\mathbb{Z}_p$. What is your question?
Prove that $\Bbb C[x,y]/(x^3+y^3-1)$ is not a UFD
@GHfromMO But there are three points at infinity for this curve. I know you are trying to take the proof of what the Jacobian of the projective closure is and get the minimal part of it to show that the ring is non PID. But I believe you need to be more careful here.
Prove that $\Bbb C[x,y]/(x^3+y^3-1)$ is not a UFD
What is $O$ here?
Lazard module structure of rings with formal elliptic curve
The formulae are spelled out in Silverman's "Arithmetic of elliptic curves" chapter IV. They are implemented in many place, for instance in sage do: sage: R.<a,b> = QQ[]; K = R.fraction_field(); E = EllipticCurve(K,[a,b]); Ehat = E.formal_group(); Ehat.mult_by_n(2, prec = 30) to get a series that starts like $2\,t - 12\,a\,t^5 - 54\,b\,t^7 + 44\,a^2\,t^9$. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.
Large 2-part of Tate–Shafarevich group over $\Bbb{Q}$ with small number of prime factor of discriminants
For $E$ without rational $2$-torsion, I would look for examples among those curves for which the $2$-torsion of the class number of $\mathbb{Q}(E[2])$ is large.
Is there an elliptic curve over a number field with a point of order 64 and Mordell-Weil rank zero?
@DavidMcKinnon The universal elliptic curve over $X_1(p^k)$ is precisely such a family. For each $K$ it has finitely many $K$-rational fibres. But how would you show that there is one of rank $0$?
Is there an elliptic curve over a number field with a point of order 64 and Mordell-Weil rank zero?
I agree, if $E$ is a curve that is not coming from a lower field, having a $n$-torsion point, I bet chances are good that the rank is $0$ or $1$. On the other hand for certain Galois groups the parity results coming from Brauer relations impose rank growth. I have not thought about $n=64$. But in any case, all I can offer so far is speculation that this should exist, but no idea how to construct an example or how to verify it.
Clarifications about the Iwasawa Main Conjecture
One could state the main conjecture by saying that the fractional ideals in $\mathbb{Q}_p[\![T]\!]$ are equal and then note that the analytic side is integral and hence so is the algebraic side. However, if you read on you will see that they later state things without $\otimes\mathbb{Q}_p$ and $h$ is really the characteristic series of a $\Lambda$-module; it is just in the introduction that they aimed to simplfy the exposition. (... and that is my last comment on this page).
Clarifications about the Iwasawa Main Conjecture
$(\gamma-1)(v) = \gamma(v) - v$ as always when you translate an action of a group $G$ on an $R$-module into a $R[G]$-module.
Clarifications about the Iwasawa Main Conjecture
$T$ lies in the Iwasawa algebra, which is the projective limit of the group rings $\mathbb{Z}_p[G_n]$ with $G_n\cong (1+p\mathbb{Z}_p)/(1+p^{n+1}\mathbb{Z})$. As $\gamma$ maps to an element in $G_n$, the group ring element $T = \gamma-1$ is not in $G_n$, it is the formal difference of two group elements. All of this can be learned from a basic text on Iwasawa theory. Lang's or Washington's Cyclotomic Fields for instance.
Clarifications about the Iwasawa Main Conjecture
The wikipedia article could certainly be improved, but $T=\gamma-1$ is used in both to identify $\Lambda = \mathbb{Z}_p[\![\Gamma]\!]$ with $\mathbb{Z}_p[\![T]\!]$.
Irreducibility of Tate module (as a Galois representation) of elliptic curves with good reduction
To make 2 non-trivial you may want to replace general by simple. The arxiv link for the above comment answers the more interesting question, I believe.
Can you prove and/or generalize this formula involving the Möbius function at n = square free numbers for elliptic curve related sequence in the OEIS?
I am not sure why you keep updating this. Max and my comment solved the initial question. I doubt many people will want to follow your coding experiments without extra motivation or explanations. (But if there is, maybe a new question is better than adding to this).
Special case of Eichler–Shimura
I believe the modularity of this elliptic curve is well explain in these notes. The curve in question here is isomorphic to $y^2+y=x^3-x$, which is shown to be the equation of $X_1(11)$. You will see this is really a bit more difficult than the level of Silverman-Tate, yet the notes give a good introduction into the subject.
3-divisibility of Manin constant for elliptic curves with 3-torsion
Very well formulated and well referenced question.
Analysis of functions over Galois fields
I would object to the last comment: E.g., Lang's "Cyclotomic Fields" starts with Fourier transforms over finite fields and goes on to use it a lot in connection with Galois theory.