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  • Member for 1 year, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Finite type injective ring map between domains preserves the open point $(0)$
It would be good to have a reference for this "weak Nullstellensatz", since it contains the core of the argument, and also is not a standard name
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
@ThomasSauvaget Good point - for instance $A_n$ has trace zero iff $n \equiv 2 \pmod 4$. I also computed some characteristic polynomials, but did not see any patterns at first glance
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
@MaartenHavinga I don't think that $n = 8$ gives a Hadamard matrix. Indeed $A_8 A_8^T$ is not even diagonal
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
Thanks for the data! Any guesses as to the product of the nonzero invariant factors?
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
I tried playing with prime $n$, and it seems like your suggestion of $e_k - e_{n-k}$, $1 \le k < n/2$ being in the row (= column) space checks out - although the coefficients I found for the linear combinations (wrt rows of $A_n$) are not easy to predict, they do seem to be only supported in the latter half of rows (with a single exception for $k = 1$). Also I believe the additional 2 vectors needed in this case can be chosen to be $e_0$ and $\sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor} e_k$ (both of which only involve 2 rows of $A_n$)
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
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Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
In fact I did use 0-based indexing in my own calculations (now edited). This is a nice construction of the correct number of linearly independent vectors in $\ker(A_n)$, so it remains to show that they span the kernel - any ideas?
Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices
@darijgrinberg Maybe you were secretly thinking about $\dim \ker$ instead of rank :) Somewhat related, I don't know if there's a good way of viewing $A_n, A_m$ as blocks inside $A_{nm}$