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  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
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Proving that a generic variety with ample canonical bundle has no automorphisms
You want to do this for every possible family? That is very hard to imagine.
Etale Cohomology of Punctured Spectra of Local Rings
The algebraic cohomology of $\mathbb G_{\rm m}$ is very different from the analytic cohomology of $\mathcal O^*$. For a regular scheme the former is always torsion in degree at least 2 (this is a well-known result of Grothendieck), whereas the analytic cohomology of a complex manifold tends to contain positive-dimensional $\mathbb Q$-vector spaces.
IGP for non-fixed ground field
Please read the FAQ.
IGP for non-fixed ground field
The proof is fine, but the question is off-topic.
How to show an ideal is zero-dimensional
This sounds like a homework problem. I voted to close.
Dense Affine Subvarieties of Algebraic Varieties
This must be done a little more carefully: the union is not necessarily affine, or even a subvariety.
Zariski's main theorem in the form of Grothendieck, universal properties
I guess that "Galois with group $G$" should not be interpreted as being necessarily étale. Anyway, it seems to me that (2) and (3) follows immediately from (1), personally I would not worry with a reference. Of course, I am not very good with references.
Tangent space in Algebraic geometry and Differential geometry
Can't you work out an example before asking a question? How can you think that the intersection of all curves with a given tangent vector is 1-dimensional?
canonical model of a reducible curve
The canonical sheaf of a stable curve with an elliptic tale is not globally generated.
Relation of degree and genus of superelliptic curves
All this follows easily from Riemann-Hurwitz.
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces
It follows easily from the fact that a finitely dimensional algebra is Jacobson; in particular, the closed points are dense. So, if there is only one closed point, the spectrum consists of that point, so the algebra is 0-dimensional, hence artinian.
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces
No, a localization is practically never finitely generated. The local rings that are of finite type over a field are artinian.
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces
Since the usual version of the Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem generalized Kodaira's, you'd better write down the exact statement that you need.
pushforward of injective sheaf acyclic for cohomology with supports
It seems to the me that the étale case should reduced to the Zariski case, because the pushforward from the étale site to the Zariski site is also flabby. Am I missing something?
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces
Doesn't Kodaira vanishing fail for surfaces in positive characteristic? Raynaud gave counterexamples.
Is there a picture I should have in my head of rational homotopy equivalence?
Wasn't it Von Neumann who said that in mathematics you don't understand things, you just get used to them?
Is there an elliptic surface over $Y(1)$?
Will Sawin's answer is correct.
What is "Data" involved in a mathematical construction?
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