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Peter Taylor
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
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  • Spain
For which set $A$, Alice has a winning strategy?
@domotorp, it's not monotonic, because e.g. the ratio for $n=15$ is larger than $n=14$, but it is monotonic between $n=15$ and $n=23$ so that could potentially be the last exception.
For which set $A$, Alice has a winning strategy?
@domotorp, Python code and values to n=23. I must say that it doesn't look to me to be converging to a constant.
Can you confirm the positivity of a quantity involving the Stirling numbers of the first kind
It's on ( Requires a free account to access it, and it's a library with restrictions on simultaneous borrowing, but I've used this online copy when chasing references in the past.
"Upside-down unimodal" sequences in combinatorics
Fair point. I was processing an offline database which only has the sequence number and the entries. I can't remember offhand whether it's possible to download one which has the keywords in order to identify triangles and process them specially. If not, I could look at trying to break sequences into triangles and maybe deal with a few false positives. I suppose it might also be worth trying to do the same with potential tabl sequences given by anti-diagonals.
"Upside-down unimodal" sequences in combinatorics
With respect to rarity, I'm still manually filtering OEIS sequences to ones which are at least tangentially related to combinatorics, but pre-manual-filtering there are about six times as many plausibly non-trivially unimodal as plausibly non-trivially upside-down unimodal sequences in OEIS. (My concept of non-trival here requires at least three descents and at least three ascents, and the "plausibly" disclaimer is because my code only looks at the terms of the sequence available in the database).
The smallest sequence without differences among Fibonacci numbers
Intuitively, it seems that the rarity of odd elements can be explained by the fact that two thirds of Fibonacci numbers are odd. This gives a bias towards even numbers at the start, and that bias then self-reinforces.
sum of binomial coefficient approximation by geometric series
Have you tried exploiting the known values $f(2N, N-1) = 2^{2N-1} - \frac{1}{2} \binom{2N}{N}$ and $f(2N + 1, N) = 2^{2N}$ and handling central ranges by subtracting from / adding to these offsets?
Functions that take quadratic residues to non quadratic residues
Also, I'm attempting the check of paragraph 1 and failing. E.g. in $\mathbb{F}_3$ we have $Q = \{2\}$ and $Q^c = \{0\}$ but $2\cdot 2^2 - 1 = 1 \not \in Q$ and $2 \cdot 0^2 - 1 = 2 \not\in Q^c$.
Functions that take quadratic residues to non quadratic residues
It might be clearer if the polynomial and the prime weren't both called $p$.
Number of polyhedral covers of a triangulation of $S^2$
Not forests: elements in the poset formed by edge contractions. And yes, for small graphs one can calculate. E.g. of the simple cubic graphs on 8 vertices two are non-planar and the others have distributions [(2, 39), (3, 146), (4, 207), (5, 146), (6, 58), (7, 12), (8, 1)], [(2, 54), (3, 220), (4, 283), (5, 176), (6, 62), (7, 12), (8, 1)], [(2, 63), (3, 268), (4, 345), (5, 202), (6, 66), (7, 12), (8, 1)].
Number of polyhedral covers of a triangulation of $S^2$
Surely it depends on the triangulation, so what would your variables for the closed form be?
Can the sphere be partitioned into small congruent cells?
@OscarLanzi, the certificate is for a different domain. Looks like they're migrating, because the page is also present on the domain covered by the certificate:
How "correct" is Knuth's fast addition $(a,b) \mapsto (a \oplus b) \oplus ((a\land b) \ll 1)$?
I think this can be tackled as a Markov process with five states: one for rejected pairs and one for each combination of true and approximate carry digit, processing from least significant.
Connected geometric thickness two
@quarague, by exhaustion no subgraph of $K_6$ serves as an answer.
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