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Ali Taghavi
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
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A finite dimensional continuum with a subset $A$ such that both $A$ and $X\setminus A$ are dense and contractible
@PietroMajer So it is unlike that one produce a 3 partition. does this define a topological invariant somewhat related to dimension theory?
A finite dimensional continuum with a subset $A$ such that both $A$ and $X\setminus A$ are dense and contractible
Very interesting answer Thank you very much. I guess in definition of $A_2$ you mean $D_2$ . the contractibility then comms from the contractibility of logarithm branch.
A finite dimensional continuum with a subset $A$ such that both $A$ and $X\setminus A$ are dense and contractible
@PietroMajer An amazing point: A telepathy: I was thinking to the same question and assigning a natural number $n$ as the maximum valuse of the number of partition of a continum: Then I thought that re your example in comment possibly can be reconstructed to 3 partition. If we can write $Q$ as disjoint union of two dense subset...and apply it to $\mathbb{Q}\cap [0,1]$ but I realized this idea does not work since we have a connected interval at the ground
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
@BillJohnson BTW what was the title of the book you mentioned? I did not find a book in this list of the following wikipedia coauthored by Benyamini
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
@BillJohnson What can be said about the topological or Hausdorff dimension of A and its complement?
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
Ok Thank you. BTW is your argument capable of being a proof of contractibility. Any way the infinite dimensional sphere is amazing: two complemented dense contractible set!
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
no matter of cardinality I care a kind of mrasur3 or density
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
Thank you for your intersting argument.So this question gives an example of an infinite dimensional sphere with two complemented dense set each of them path connected..I doubt this could be hold in finite dimensional case
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
@BillJohnson Thank you very much Prof. Johnson for your attention
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
befor I read the details, in the linked paper the set $|x|\leq 1$ is called sphere but the usual terminology is ball or disk I think. any way in my question I mean the sphere the point of unit norm not less than 1. But I guess your argument still work, yes?
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
To be honnest I doubt even A is connected but I have no idea to proof. Some how I am curious : which one is bigger A or its complement??!!
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
I am leaving for a few hours I will come back here, thanks again
A question on unit norm elements of $\ell^2 \setminus \bigcup_{0<p<2 }\ell^p$
@DavidGao This is the reason that I did not include the Note part into the main question. If I have an obvious measure then I would ask what can be said about the measure of A or its complement
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