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Ali Taghavi
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
Is the left-regular representation of a locally compact group a homeomorphism onto its image?
Is not the left representation a map $\lambda: L^1(G) to B(L^2(G)$ via convlution? As another question is te left and right representation gives the same reduce C^* structure?
Isoperimetric inequality for Kähler manifolds
two tags added. Fixing typos
Coderivations of $S(V)$ correspond to linear maps $S(V) \to V.$ Only over characteristic $0$?
Is it the standard coalgebra structure on the symmetric algebra?For example is it identical to this one…
Hartogs' theorem in Banach spaces
What about a possible infinite dimensional analogues of Hartogs extension theorem?(Instead of separable holomorphicity)?
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić Yes I see in fact the problem is that the Laplacian is not $C^{\infty}(M) $ linear. However the tensor product in your first comment is taken over scalars.
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
So $x^6\otimes 1$ is maped to 0 but $x^3\otimes x^3$ is maped to $6x\otimes 6x$ identified to $36x^2$. I think I am doing a stupid mistake but what is my mistake?(I repeat that I do not product M with M. I just consider the tensor trivial bundle and the tensor operrator.
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić Sorry if the point is trivial: where is the contraditory point: The trivial line bundle on R is denoted by $\epsilon_1$ then $\epsilon_1\otimes \epsilon_1 \sim \epsilon_1$ then the section space of tensor product is isomorphisc to the tensor product of the corresponding sectioin(Serre Swan theorem). On the other hand the isomorphisms between $\mathbb{R}\otimes \mathbb{R}$ with $\mathbb{R}$ is in the form $a\otimes b \mapsto ab$. Now we wish to look at $\Delta \otimes \Delta$ acted on , say $x^6$... ok..
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić Yes but in the post I did not product manifolds. The tensor product of $\epsilon_1$ with itself is the trivial line bundle on $M$(The base space is always $M$. so $f(x)\otimes g(x)$ is identified with $f(x)g(x)$ So I guess I am leading to triviality!! because $f\otimes 1$ maps to 0 !! am Imissing some thing? how can I improve the question in Riemannian metric case?
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
I mean module constant functions
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@DavidGao Very good point. A similar point for codimension?
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić But very good point you indicated to
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić ..possible other metrics
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
So in the compact case there is no any harmonic map so there is a chance of ellupticity (since there is no immediate obstruction for Fredholm ness of tensor product of laplacians). Yes the Laplacian of product metric is not the tensor product of corresponding Laplaciqn but what about possible...
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@DavidGao Thanks for your comment
The tensor product of two Fredholm operators
@BranimirĆaćić Thanks for your comment
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