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Mitesh J
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
Relation between fundamental theorem of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games and notions of bisimulation and simulation
Changed logical formula from FOL to mu-calculus as FOL is not expressive enough even for interesting properties of finite state automata
Relation between fundamental theorem of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games and notions of bisimulation and simulation
Yes that is an instance of the connection between algebraic notions of equivalence in process algebra and the temporal logical equivalence. Adequacy of logic [HM] with respect to a given equivalence relation on language of processes is one notion that has been use to relate the notions back to logic. I am hoping for reference where these notions of equivalence are systematically studied as relation between two structures with respect to the first order logic. These structures can then be "later" thought of as finite state automata or transition systems.