Bounds for constructing $n!$ with additions, subtractions, and multiplications starting from $1$
There may also be a computation string which consists solely of all the primes and their powers, possibly in increasing order.
Bounds for constructing $n!$ with additions, subtractions, and multiplications starting from $1$
You can also generate primes by generating the gaps first. For k less than 18 decimal digits this is less than O((log k)^2) .
Sets of points containing permutations - a Ramsey-type question
Interesting. I wonder how low (k+l) can go, using the notation in Paseman's comment.
Enumerating matrices function of ranks
See Zivkovic's 2005 arxiv print on classification of small binary matrices. The table inside goes up to n=8, I believe.
Bounds for constructing $n!$ with additions, subtractions, and multiplications starting from $1$
1,2,3,6,36,72,70, so t(5040) is at most 8. Have not found a shorter string yet.
Sets of points containing permutations - a Ramsey-type question
It breaks down at n=2, with a coloring in which l is at most 1 and k at most 2. Take the main and lower diagonals as 7 elements of one color.
Sets of points containing permutations - a Ramsey-type question
Also I don't see the first easy observation: can you provide an example where B has more than half the nodes and not all the permutations of n/2?
Sets of points containing permutations - a Ramsey-type question
I don't know if this precise form is in the literature. Looking at permanents, binary matrices, and enumerating matrices avoiding a certain pattern may get you literature which gets close to the form above.
Analogues of Primitive Recursive Functions
When I read this I am reminded of Fenstad and Abstract Recursion Theory. I don't quite know why; it may not fit in with your program.
Common sizes of intersections
@Tony. Indeed. I withdraw the suggestion of "adding A".
How did Ramanujan discover this identity?
She did it by plugging in values for the variables. That, or she consulted an oracle who performed the infinitely many computations.
Common sizes of intersections
Huh. I meant singletons. I guess I should have said it. Oh well, just add A the whole set to Tony's example.
Common sizes of intersections
Why not add A to it for a slightly larger set? Not to mention the empty set.
Covering a set with images of a transversal
Just to be clear: each omega_i is a G-set? Or is something more wild going on?
Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number
So the last statement is that I believe in the existence of an n such that for i from 0 to 4, n+i is composite and A_(n+i) is integral. I further believe (but cannot prove) that such an n is greater than 10^16.
Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number
I'm sorry for being unclear. I'm with Greg in thinking there are arbitrarily long sequences of integers n which are intervals of integers with no primes, and all of whose A values are integral. I would be surprised to find an interval of 5 such numbers below 10^20.
Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number
Further, any composite n for which A_n is integral must have a prime factor smaller than the fourth root of n. Thus you can stop your trial division if the smallest factor of n is greater than n^1/4. For small ranges, this means you can use certain sieve techniques to replace your factoring step.
Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number
No, I am counting repeats. Squares are 0 or 1 mod 4, so if the sum of squares is a square, there can't be (say) exactly 6 odd squares in the sum. Regarding bitlength, if n=pq with p large enough, q^2 smaller than 2p, p^2 + q^2 will be smaller than (p+1)^2, and again A_n will not be integral.
Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number
Something that might speed up your search: A_n cannot be an integer if n has (2 or 3 mod 4)-many odd prime factors, nor can it be integral if n is composite with largest prime factor p having bitlength more than 2/3 the bitlength of n. These tests may be faster than doing a square root of a sum of squares.