How resolution of singularity is linked to continued fracton?
See also Hirzebruch, Hilbert modular surfaces. L'Ens. Math. 19, 183-281 (1973)
Bounding exponential sum of the form $\sum_{\mathbf{x} \in (\mathbb{Z}/q \mathbb{Z})^n } \chi_1(x_1)\cdots \chi_n (x_n) e(a F(\mathbf{x})/q)$
By Chinese remainder theorem you probably can reduce to the case where q is a prime power. Then using a twisted version of Lefschetz trace formula and Weil conjectures, the problem is reduced to bounding dimensions of some cohomology groups and in particular if you care about $q$ aspect, you should be able to get roughly square root cancellation. The keyword here is "trace functions", and you probably want to look at recent works of P. Michel, E.Kowalski et al. See for example, Kowalski's Pisa survey:
What's the point of a Whittaker model?
fix matrix latex
Is $x=\frac{1}{2}$ the solution of this equation $\zeta(2)= 1+{{{{x}^{x}}^{x}}^{x}}^{\cdots } $?
No, it should be ~0.641186 In particular, this is not $\zeta(2) -1 = \frac{\pi^2}{6} - 1$.
Elementary proof of Riemann-Roch for compact Riemann surfaces
Did you look at Forster, Lectures on Riemann Surface?
Subconvexity bounds and zero-free regions
Subconvexity bounds are generally on the critical line, while zero-free regions are generally equivalent to lower bounds on the edge of critical strip, so they are really different problems. As for relating bounds of L functions to bounds of various sums, these really just come from approximate functional equation and partial summation.
Relationships between different classes of L-Functions
Isn't Dedekind zeta function always the Artin L-function of induction of trivial rep? I'm confused why you are putting them in a separate category.
An inequality from Green-Tao "The primes contain arbitrary long arithmetic progressions"
It looks like you have the freedom to choose $\eta$ sufficiently small and $N$ sufficiently big. So you can certainly assume that $\mathbb{E}((v-1)1_A) = O(\eta)$ (by taking $N$ sufficiently large) with big O constant so small that when plugged into the first inequality, $\mathbb{E}(1_A) \ge 0.01 \eta^{1/2}$, by taking $\eta$ sufficiently small so that $\eta^{1/2}$ dominates. Then the result follows.
Dyadic Hilbert symbols and higher unit groups
Looks like he means 2-adic local field.
Automorphicity of L-Factors of Zeta Functions
Just to clarify, is "The issue of for which varieties the Hasse-Weil L-function equals a single automorphic L-function or when the automorphic forms involved are cuspidal is much more delicate and conjectural." the whole point of motives?
Reference book for Galois Representations
@July, Just curious, is there a chapter on Galois representations in Goldfeld-Hundley (cannot access the book right now)? It seems like OP is not interested in learning about automorphic forms at this point, and I would assume that right now he does not want to learn about automorphic representations as well then.