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Todd Trimble's user avatar
Todd Trimble
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
What does $O(N)$ mean in this article and how does it imply this lemma?
Please cease and desist making edits that insert and remove a single character.
Young-Fibonacci version of Nekrasov-Okounkov
Please bear in mind that every edit comes at the expense of every other question on MathOverflow, bumping the post to the top and pushing others down the stack. That can't be helped, but please be considerate of others and combine edits as economically as you can.
Techniques from number theory used in algorithmic compositions?
Ironically, this post has been flagged asking for removal of the rant against Music SE, and I am inclined to agree that it doesn't serve to clarify the question at all, and has the side effect of annoying community members as well, as I can verify from moderator flags. Please remove it.
Categorical foundations without set theory
@user76284 I think you can take my "reportedly" as taking into account that possibility. Let that not deflect from the point being made here. (Edit: I even said "apocryphal". That should suffice for disclaimers.)
Finding (and saturating) a sharp Babenko-Beckner inequality for finite fields
While editing questions is sometimes necessary, a large number of edits in a short space of time is frowned upon. Each edit bumps your question to the top of the stack, at the expense of other questions that their authors want looked at (which may be bumped off the front page). Please be aware of this, and take care to make combine multiple fixes into a single edit, and avoid trivial edits.
Is this variant of bitwise cyclic tag Turing-complete?
I’m voting to close this question because it was asked and answered at CS Theory.
Are Hausdorff compactifications of a Tychonoff space $X$ in one-to-one correspondence with completely regular subalgebras of $BC(X)$?
If you indicate whom you are directing the question to, it can be moved under that post. In general, however, if you want to ask a question, you should hit the Ask Question button in the upper right.
Equidimensional Morphism
The question is fine, and indicates a participation in mathematics at a professional level.
Unitalization internal to monoidal categories
edited in response to Mike's comment
Unitalization internal to monoidal categories
@MikeShulman I no longer recall what it was that was bothering me. So does the argument look sound to you? If so, I can roll back.
integral of fractional function
sentence structure
On new (purely analytic) perspective towards theory of prime numbers
At this point it would probably be better to take a break from editing. The trouble is that each edit bumps your question to the head of the list, at the expense of other questions, and in this way it's bringing negative attention to itself (as I can verify as a moderator by looking at flags on the question). I don't know if this is a reason for downvotes, but I think Noah's advice is sound.
Graph theory from a category theory perspective
I don't think I know of any books that would qualify (I myself would like to know if there are!), but you might be interested in some of Tom Leinster's posts at the Cafe, like this:…
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