Let $C$ be a monoidal category, not assumed to be symmetric. Assume that the underlying category of $C$ is nice enough, for example cocomplete, perhaps even presentable. A semigroup object in $C$ is a pair $(X,\mu)$ consisting of an object $X \in C$ and a morphism $\mu : X \otimes X \to X$ satisfying the associativity law $\mu \circ (X \otimes \mu) = \mu \circ (\mu \otimes X)$. Does the forgetful functor from monoid objects in $C$ to semigroup objects in $C$ have a left adjoint? In other words, is there an unitalization internal to $C$?
The cases $C=\mathsf{Set}$ and $C=\mathrm{Mod}(R)$ are well-known. More generally, the answer is yes when $\otimes$ preserves coproducts in each variable. Then the unitalization of $(X,\mu)$ is $(1 \oplus X,\mu',\eta)$ with the obvious morphism $\mu' : (1 \oplus X) \otimes (1 \oplus X) = 1 \oplus X \oplus X \oplus X \otimes X \to 1 \oplus X$ and $\eta : 1 \to 1 \oplus X$.
Actually I am interested in the case that $C=(\mathrm{End}(D),\circ,\mathrm{id})$ for a (nice) category $D$, thus I would like to know if every semi-monad can be made into a monad. Here $\otimes$ preserves colimits in the left variable, but not in the right variable. Actually $D$ is even a presentable symmetric monoidal category and $\mathrm{End}(D)$ refers to enriched endofunctors, i.e. I am interested in strong (semi) monads.