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If your analytic curve satisfies a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients, then the book D-Finite Functions by Manuel Kauers contains much information. See
For a reference, see the paragraph after Theorem 1.1 of R. M. Erdahl, Zonotopes, Dicings, and Voronoi’s Conjecture on Parallelohedra (…).
An asymptotic estimate for $p(n,k)$ was obtained by G. Szekeres, Some asymptotic formulae in the theory of partitions (II), Quart. J. Math. Oxford4 (2), 96--111, that implies the unimodality of the sequence $p(n,1), p(n,2), \dots, p(n,n)$. Does this estimate or some refinement of it imply log-concavity?
For the number of irreps of S_n whose dimension is relatively prime to some fixed prime $p$, see Enumerative Combinatorics, vol. 2, Exercise 7.15 (due to I. G. Macdonald). For a variant, not well understood, see Supplementary Exercise 32 in the second edition of the reference above.