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David Loeffler
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
A strange property about modulus
How exactly does this example qualify as "relatively small size"?
Equidistribution of Frobenius Classes
You appear to be taking a completely arbitrary sequence and asking if it's equidistributed with respect to some measure. Clearly, unless you know more about the sequence $Frob_p$, there is no reason why it would have to have any nice distribution.
On the local factor of Rankin-Selberg L-functions
The quantity you're calling $L(\pi, s)$ looks slightly strange; why do you want to consider this particular series? It is not, as far as I can see, the $L$-function of any automorphic representation (so the notation is a bit misleading, it is not clear what $\pi$ is supposed to refer to). You might perhaps be able to write it as a ratio of automorphic L-functions.
Factorization of global Waldspurger's integrals and connection to central L-values
I wouldn't call (2) a "factorisation" per se, because $L(\pi_E, 1/2)$ is outside the region of convergence of the Euler product formula. So you shouldn't think of (2) purely as a product of local terms: you need the analytic continuation of the L-function to make sense of it.
Computing pushforwards and pullbacks of D-modules
@sdr Very good point; the assumptions on $\bar{M}$ are clearly much too weak, but there is a specific good $\bar{M}$ which I want to apply this to. I've edited the question.
Is the Galois closure of a $p$-adic Lie group extension also a $p$-adic Lie group extension?
Take any infinite extension such that $Aut(L / K)$ is trivial (these exist). Then the condition is satisfied for all $p$ at once, but $Gal(M / K)$ is an infinite pro-finite group so it can't be $p$-adic analytic for several $p$ simultaneously.
Syntomic f-cohomology for open varieties
You might also be interested in work of Ertl–Niziol which considers the relation between different versions of syntomic cohomology (with and without the special fibre included in the log-structure, so corresponding to $H^1_{\mathrm{g}}$ vs $H^1_f$ resp.).
Syntomic f-cohomology for open varieties
You are correct that there is a gap in the logic of Corollary 6.8 of [Bes00], since the statement is claimed without any properness condition, but the work of Niziol cited as a reference only considers the proper case. I have been told by Niziol that the gap can be fixed by using log-structures (assuming $X$ has a compactification with boundary that is a relative SNC divisor over $\mathcal{O}_K$) but I do not know if there is a published account of this.
Modern integral $p$-adic Hodge theory and modularity lifting and Fontaine-Mazur
(typo in first comment: "did not stand still" should be "stood still".)
Modern integral $p$-adic Hodge theory and modularity lifting and Fontaine-Mazur
Your two example citations are (a) a set of introductory lecture notes which deliberately uses non-cutting-edge methods for simplicity, and (b) a paper somewhat outside the mainstream of research in this area. For instance, Kisin's work on potentially semistable deformation rings – which relies on Breuil-Kisin modules to go well beyond the Fontaine--Laffaille range – has been fundamental to virtually every major advance in modularity lifting since it was written (in 2007).
Modern integral $p$-adic Hodge theory and modularity lifting and Fontaine-Mazur
I disagree with the premise of this question. You seem to suggest that integral p-adic HT did not stand still in the multiple decades between Fontaine--Laffaille and Bhatt--Scholze, and many of those advances (e.g. Breuil-Kisin modules) were motivated by & immediately applied to modularity-lifting problems.