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Benjamin Dickman
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
Is the perimeter of an ellipse with integer axes irrational?
This is proved on pdf 72-73 here and invokes the Schneider-Lang Theorem (found earlier in the same PDF) to close it out. The source linked is Murty & Rath, Transcendental Numbers, 2013.
First occurrence of formula for $\sum_{n\leq x} \mu(n) \log n$ in terms of $\psi(y)-\lfloor y\rfloor$?
Tao cites the 1906 paper here so maybe he can furnish a copy. Gordon (1958) shows PNT implies the desired conclusion here by the very end of the paper: but he similarly mentions the Landau (1906) paper. At the least, 1958 < 1963, so this constitutes a slight lowering of the upper bound!
Optimizing sum of $k$ positive integers with the product $m$
You may wish to consult the paper (SciHub) entitled:$$ $$Krause, E.F. (1996). Maximizing the product of summands; minimizing the sum of factors. Mathematics Magazine, 69(4), 270-278.
Which proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra are "essentially the same" vs. "essentially different"?
(The Eisermann paper linked proposes the [existence part of the] FTA has proofs in "three families" ...)
Placing triangles around a central triangle: Optimal Strategy?
added recreational mathematics tag but also... no answers or significant comments despite the bounty!
What is the simplest proof that the density of coprime pairs does not go to zero?
included link to fleshed out version in the Aperiodical
Placing triangles around a central triangle: Optimal Strategy?
@JoelDavidHamkins I'm not sure if this would be illuminating in the sense of, if you play the game with spheres around a sphere, the reflecting strategy works – but if neither player notices it, then you can collect a lot of data for naught. (Yesterday, A Glazyrin suggested the sphere game but whenever you place a sphere its reflected sphere is also placed; so, each move involves two spheres. Another intriguing game!) $$ $$ To answer your question directly: I have the vague sense from messing around that player one can "symmetry break" in some way so as to win, but I don't trust my intuition.
Placing triangles around a central triangle: Optimal Strategy?
removed the 10 day specification (but mostly bumping)
Looking for a paper on transfinite diameter by David Cantor
updated sci-hub link as it is now dot ee (no longer dot tw)
Can you "slice" a triangular number into three equal slices?
is there a reason to omit $a$ and $b$ from the question (other than the original motivation)?
Is there any correspondence between Gödel and Kreisel that supports Kreisel's observation that Gödel changed his mind about his 1938 set theory note?
If I had to guess who to ask: Gregory H. Moore, whose history around forcing connected to an MO question I asked some years ago.
Examples of theorems where numerical bounds on $\pi$ played a role
This may violate one (or more) of the intended exclusions, so I leave it as a comment [for now]: How about the implementation of Shor's algorithm where $\zeta(2) = 6/\pi^2$ arises as the probability two integers are relatively prime? I wrote up the simplest explanation that I could for this value in MO 454427, which asks about proving that the probability is nonzero. Perhaps this value, or some interpretation of its use, satisfies the whimsical motivation!
Theorems with many distinct proofs
You can see many proofs of 1+...+n = n(n+1)/2 here. Elsewhere on MO, I have several proofs that n^2 - n is even; see here.
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