On Friday, Nov. 23rd 2012, I published the following question on this website, with tag "terminology":
Naming the function "f[ x_ ] := Abs[ x ] x" and naming its inverse. (Terminology)
(1) There are some cases (I've found on the web) in which the function
`$f : R \leftrightarrow R, f[ \, x\_ \, ] := \text{Abs}[ \, x \, ] \, x$`
is called "split parabola function". This name I find fairly obvious (that's why I was able to find it being used, on the web); but is there perhaps any other, more established or shorter name for this function?
(2) Mostly, I'm interested in finding a name for the inverse of the above function. Is there perhaps a shorter name available than "inverse of the split parabola function"?
Quite soon, I received one answer to question (2), suggesting the name "signed square root (function)".
(This seems indeed a fairly common name for thís function which had been unknown to me, however; and the correspondingly formed name "signed parabola function" appears completely uncommon, too.) So I thanked for this answer in a comment, and voted it up (once).
Meanwhile, my question had been marked "closed as off topic", signed by what appeared to be five users of "mathoverflow" (whose names were not familiar to me); and without as much as any further comment.
By now (Wednesday, Nov. 28th, 2012) my question and the subsequent correspondence have been apparently removed completely; and I'm left to wonder ... whether I can and should likewise remove my other (2) questions on mathematics terminology (possibly incl. answers and subsequent correspondence), before trying to terminate my membership in "mathoverflow".