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Zack Wolske
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Toronto, ON, CAN
On A057985 and A287066
Remarkable! Thank you.
On A057985 and A287066
No problem! 53 states seems quite nice. I suppose P4 and these fixed points are very intimately related. Is this typical? That is, suppose p and q are fixed points of the same replacement morphism which are not automatic, and p is automatic in some numeration system N with related recurrence - then are p and q connected through this recurrence? Maybe too much to ask in a comment (or in general), but there must be smaller examples or non-examples.
On A057985 and A287066
$e(10)=6$. I think the definitions for that statement are a bit convoluted. Something equivalent is "Let $r(n)$ be the largest value less than $n$ in A005314. Then $b(n)=a(n-r)$." And similarly, "Let $s$ be the largest sum $\sum c(i)$ less than $n-1$. Then $a(n)=b(n-1-s)$."
Are there integers $x,y,z$ such that $(x+1)y^2-xz^2=x^3+2x+2$?
I do not know how to use these arguments to solve the cases where $x$ is odd.
Are there integers $x,y,z$ such that $(x+1)y^2-xz^2=x^3+2x+2$?
@Fedor: suppose $x=-14$, $z^2+(-14)^2=-13(k-14)$, and $-14(k-14)=y^2-2$. Then $k$ is odd and $k-14$ is $1$ mod $4$, because it divides a sum of two squares. But then $-13(k-14)\equiv 3 \pmod 4$.
Are there integers $x,y,z$ such that $(x+1)y^2-xz^2=x^3+2x+2$?
@Fedor: following JoshuaZ's idea, write $x^2+z^2=(x+1)(x+k)$, so that $y^2-2=x(x+k)$, and using a similar observation, the only primes dividing $(x+k)$ are $1\pmod 8$ and possibly a single $2$. If $k$ is even, then $x$ is odd, else $y^2-2 \equiv 0 \pmod 4$; and if $k$ is odd, then $x$ is even, else $x^2+z^2\equiv 0 \pmod 4$ with $x$ odd. So $k+x$ is odd and $1 \pmod 8$. When $x$ is even, it is $2 \pmod 4$, which means $z^2=kx+k+x \equiv 3 \pmod 4$. Maybe someone can finish the case where $k$ is even.
Primes above the distant prime neighbors
You are asking if there can be a prime gap larger than 2M with a start below 2p+1 when M is a maximal prime gap starting at p. Seems unlikely! Like a lot of questions about prime gaps, you'll probably be stuck with conjectures about asymptotics. See for computational records.
Minimal index of number fields of small degree
The usual index of an element will be $\sqrt{\text{disc}(\mathbb{Z}[a])/\text{disc}(\mathcal{O}_K)}$. @alpoge By Minkowski arguments, this is bounded above by $|\text{disc}(\mathcal{O}_K)|^{(d-2)/2}$, with some improvements when d=3 or 5, see "Algebraic Integers with Small Discriminant" by Thunder and Wolfskill.
Can $n>7$ be written as $p + 2^k + (1 + (n\ \text{mod}\ 2))\times5^m$ with $p$ an odd prime and $2^k + (1 + (n\ \text{mod}\ 2))\times5^m$ squarefree?
Do you know that $S$ is infinite? That alone seems difficult enough, without the Goldbach style condition, and is necessary.
Number theory question from Homotopy groups of spheres
Doesn't this procedure miss every prime that is $1$ mod $8$?
An old paper of S.Chowla on unit equations
fixed a mistake in the book title
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