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Cuhrazatee's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
Pseudodifferential operators on spaces with boundary
Is there a way to view the even/odd extensions for Neumann/dirichlet boundary conditions as cosine/sine transformations respectively as opposed to the Fourier transform representation used for periodic boundary conditions?
What is the minimum number of steps for two elements of a Lie algebra to generate the whole Lie group?
You may be interested in results from quantum algorithms on the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, which similar to the product you wrote, is a product of "driving (ZZ)" and "mixing ( X)" terms. The difficulty in this problem is determining the phase angles.
Lower Bound on the Cost of Solving Linear System
Would it not have dependence on condition number?
Independence of two noncommutative observables
Why is it that commuting variables can have non-zero covariances if they are also independent?