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  • Member for 4 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
How to design a matrix function to meet the following conditions
If $q$ is the zero vector then $Xq$ and $q$ are not linear independent. Is $q=0$ allowed for your problem?
How to design a matrix function to meet the following conditions
@Denny My function is a function of $X$ and $Q$. It just does not depend on the arguments. What do you mean by the term matrix function? Matrix functions have a strict definition, which does not immediately fit the form $f(X,Q)$.
How to design a matrix function to meet the following conditions
The constant function f(X, Q) = diag(1, -1, 0, ..., 0) satisfies all properties, but it is most likely not what you want, right?