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Erik Walsberg's user avatar
Erik Walsberg
  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
Status of Harvey Friedman's grand conjecture?
harvey's conjecture is obviously false as stated, false theorems have been published in annals.
Number of tautologies of a given size?
i think that universal algebraists miiiight be able to say more about this then logicians. i also think it might be more natural to ask this for a language containing all 16 binary connectives. (There is actually a psychologist Zellweger who created and advocated for such a system.)
Tarski's original proof of quantifier elimination in algebraically closed fields
Chevalley's theorem is essentially the same thing as Tarski's theorem. We should really call both of them "Tarski-Chevalley" or something.
Generalized models of set theory
The models of ZFC in continuous logic are the same as the models in usual first order logic, this should be true because the metric is built in to the syntax. It seems somewhat possible to me that there could be a connection between boolean valued models of ZFC and continuous logic, but I don't think anything is known along those lines.
ω-categorical, ω-stable structure with trivial geometry not definable in the pure set
Assuming that claim, it's not hard to show that $(C,R_{ij})$ is trace definable in the trivial structure. But I don't see how to generalize this to the general Hrushovski construction that $M$ is a special case.
ω-categorical, ω-stable structure with trivial geometry not definable in the pure set
Let $f_1 =f$ ($f$ as before) and $f_2$ be the function $C\to D$ where $f_2(a)=b$ if there is $c$ such that $aEc$ and $f_1(c)=b$. For all $(i,j) \in \{1,2\}^2$ let $R_{ij}$ be the binary relation on $C$ where $R_{ij}(a,a')$ iff $f_i(a) = f_j(a')$. So $(C,R_{ij})$ is bi-interpretable with $M$. I'm pretty sure that $(C,R_{ij})$ is homogeneous.
ω-categorical, ω-stable structure with trivial geometry not definable in the pure set
Now of course I want to know if this thing is trace definable in the trivial structure. I think that it should be, the main thing would be to figure out what the definable sets in this structure actually are.
ω-categorical, ω-stable structure with trivial geometry not definable in the pure set
Cool. If I recall correctly, there is a theorem that if $M$ and $N$ are $\omega$-categorical structures then $M$ interprets $N$ iff there is a surjective morphism $\mathrm{Aut}(M) \to \mathrm{Aut}(N)$. I think your argument basically rules out such a morphism directly.
Why is it so hard to give examples of differentially closed fields?
I don't think there is anything like that in the transseries book, but maybe it's possible to do some kind of formal power series construction.
Is there a logical relationship between constructions of the reals and proof methods in real analysis?
yeah I think Noah is right, you would need to go to a setting where these approaches are not equivalent, maybe some kind of intuitionistic setting.
Powers in finite extensions of the p-adics
(I'm just thinking about the case when the base field is $\mathbb{Q}_p$)
Powers in finite extensions of the p-adics
As $V^\times$ is abelian any finite index subgroup contains the $m$th powers for some $m$. So we just need to know that the collection of finite index subgroups in $V^\times$ forms a nbhd basis at $1$. This follows as $V^\times$ is a profinite group.
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