A long exact sequence involving the mapping cone (Exercise 1.5.9 in Weibel)
Initially, for a morphism of $G$-modules $f:M\to M$ I defined $H^n(G,M,f)=Z^n(G,M,f)/B^n(G,M,f)$, where $Z^n(G,M,f)=\{ (a,b)\in C^n(G,M)\times C^{n+1}(G,M)\mid\, da=f(b),\, db=0\}$ and $B^n(G,M,f)$ is generated by the obvious elements of $Z^n(G,M,f)$ namely, $(dc,0)$, with $c\in C^{n-1}(G,M)$ and $(f(c),c)$, with $c\in C^n(G,M)$. This definition worked fine, until I realized that $H^n(G,M,f)$ is the cohomology of a complex. Now I cannot pretend I don't know about mapping cones and go by the old definition, but I wish I could keep the homological theory to a minimum.