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Wentao Hu
  • Member for 6 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
What Morrey and Campanato space characterize
Could you please explain why "for a bounded domain $\Omega$, $L^p$ space characterize how the function blow up at some point"? Thank you.
What Morrey and Campanato space characterize
Would you mind me asking something not quite relevant to this question? By "a domain $\Omega$", do you mean a connected open set or just an open set? I have seen various usage of the term "domain" in PDE, and it in some cases refers to a connected open set, whereas in other cases refers to an open set, and it is usually the case that the authors are reluctant to explain in advance what they exactly mean by using this term. Similar ambiguity or even (to some extent) abusage seems not rare in PDE. How to you think we should deal with this situation? Thank you.
How to prove the existence of weak solutions of parabolic PDEs using Rothe's method?
@mlk Thank you very much! Could you please explain what "the norm induced by $a_{ij}$" means? Forgive me for being stupid.
While doing Lp estimates, is the constant C monotonically increasing with respect to the parameters it depends on?
@GiorgioMetafune Thank you very much! I posted this question because the validity of an outcome in my thesis depends on the monotonicity of $C$, but inspired by your comment, I find it is enough to assure the validity provided $C$ is locally bounded. I will still try to work through the proof and explicitly keep track of the constants involved as it is a great exercise, as is mentioned in the answer
Are there maximum principles related to the third boundary condition?
@leomonsaingeon Sorry there is a typo in the first equation, should have been $\frac{2}{s} u'(s)$. Thank you very much.