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Jud McCranie
  • Member for 6 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • Brunswick, Georgia, U.S.
Primes arising from permutations (II)
And note that the related sequence A321611 has a 0 as the 12th term: 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 64, 16, 144, 144, 0, 144, 144, 289, 4356, 2916, 22500, 79524, 1887876, 313600, 3459600, 2985984, 50069776, 32353344, 2056803904, 237591396.
Primes arising from permutations (II)
I got three more terms of the sequence (all squares), so the sequence is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 16, 4, 144, 64, 81, 256, 5184, 1600, 25600, 8100, 183184, 108900, 5924356, 342225, 9066121, 11356900, 106853569, 105698961, 16119349444, 1419933124, 69792129124.
Primes arising from permutations (II)
I've calculated n=12 through 25 for the related problem with 4th powers instead of squares and added them to sequence A321611. Note that for this version, there are no such permutations for n=12, a counterexample to the conjecture for 4th powers.
Primes arising from permutations (II)
You confirmed conjectures (ii) and (iii) through n=11. Here are the number of partitions for conjecture (iii) for n=12 through 25": 81, 256, 5184, 1600, 25600, 8100, 183184, 108900, 5924356, 342225, 9066121, 11356900, 106853569, 105698961 - they are all squares.