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M. D.
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
On linear sections of a nonsingular threefold
I was wondering, what if I ask the same question for a plane in $T_P (X)$ that does not pass through $P$? In the spirit of the approach you have already mentioned, if one finds a 3-plane $H'$ with $P \not\in H'$ and $H'$ is not a tangent any point on the threefold, can we assert that $X \cap H' \cap T_P(X)$ will not be union of d lines?
Classifications of cubic surfaces
Alright, I will do so.
Classifications of cubic surfaces
Where would I find about these conic fibres for singular cubics?
Classifications of cubic surfaces
Thanks for your replies. By the conic bundle structure with 5 singular fibres, do you mean something like Proposition 7.3 in Miles Reid's book?
Classifications of cubic surfaces
For application to problems which I am currently working on, I need to understand the structure of an (absolutely) irreducible cubic surface defined over $\mathbb{F}_q$ containing at least one line $\ell$ defined over $\mathbb{F}_q$. I need to especially understand the singular cubics. How would they look like when we take intersection of the surface with planes passing through the line $\ell$? So I thought understanding the isomorphism classes of cubic surfaces may help me. Could you tell me a reference of the fact that "number of isomorphism classes of cubic surfaces grows with $q$?
Classifications of cubic surfaces
I do not have a soft copy for Hirschfeld's book, but the following paper (…) mentions it in page 621, Table 1.
Classifications of cubic surfaces
Hirschfeld, in his book titled "Finite projective spaces of three dimensions" classified all the quadric surfaces in $\mathbb{F}_q$. I am looking for similar results for cubic surfaces. I do care about every finite fields, one could ignore characteristic 2 though. It is fine to consider the singularities even over algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_q$.
Does there exist a surface over a finite field which contains three skew lines?
Hi, thanks for your answer. I was wondering if your surfaces are irreducible?
Does there exist a surface over a finite field which contains three skew lines?
Excellent! I was wondering if we could find something similar like the Hermitian surfaces as I mentioned in the question? In particular, does there exist a surface which has three skew lines contained in three distinct planes that intersect in a common line? What happens if it is given that the common line is contained in the surface?