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About the relationship between the generalized continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice
You can even replace "for all limit ordinals" with "for all aleph-numbers" by using the sequence $λ_0=α$ and $λ_{n+1}=\aleph(V_{λ_n})$
Stationary sets in HOD
@JoelDavidHamkins Did you find a counterexample yet? You had plenty enough time to think
Can we have mutual elementary embeddability between distinct transitive sets?
@ZuhairAl-Johar it should be $M\cap Ord = N\cap Ord$ in their comment
Can having no more than countably many classes, be inferred from, having every class being countable?
@ZuhairAl-Johar you are right, I missed the part in your previous question that stated that ZFC+Classes is still in finitary logic, and assumed everything moved to infinitary logic. Sorry
Why do we care about small sets?
To name drop a relevant foundation that can go beyond "small, big, very big", there is the "Tarski–Grothendieck set theory", which is basically "ZFC + every set is inside of a universe" (note that the TG set theory uses Tarski-classes, and not Grothendieck-universes, the main difference between the 2 is that Tarski-classes implies AC, so ZF+every set is inside a universe does not prove AC while ZF+every set is inside of a Tarski-class does implies choice)
Does anyone still seriously doubt the consistency of $ZFC$?
Re:the first sentence, In cases you didn't read it already, the paper What do we want a foundation to do? Comparing set-theoretic, category-theoretic, and univalent approaches by Penelope Maddy is a great read about the different values each foundational approach gives to the table
Does anyone still seriously doubt the consistency of $ZFC$?
@TimothyChow did you just assumed LEM in this server??
Does anyone still seriously doubt the consistency of $ZFC$?
"I’m finding myself taking the consistency of ZFC for granted as a ‘religious belief’.", As Gödel (in)famously showed, every theory we would want to consider will require some "leap of faith" (Ignoring the ""boring theories""). Calling the belief of Con(ZFC) "religious" means that Con(ZFC) dictates the way we act, for mathematicians this is a weird statement think about, as even if someone believes in a platonic universe of sets that satisfy ZFC it does not prevent them from from exploring the vast amount of incompatible set theories/weaker set theories.
Why we need to choose direction in the "marry the arrows" algorithm?
@shabunc something you can do to better develop this intuition is as such: every time you do something without the axiom of choice, check if you repeat some kind of choice infinitely many times. If you do repeat it infinitely many times, you need to justify why you can do that, if you are only doing it finitely many times (for a fix finite number), then you don't need any justifications
Cycling through a general combinatorial design on $\omega$
If there exists a cofinite block there is no such sequence of bijections
Is there a clear inconsistency with this general assertion about n-internalizations of external bijections?
I am confused, by your definition of $j^z$, $j^2[x]=\{j(y)\mid y\in x\}$ so $x⊆Dom(j)$, how $_n\mathsf{F/B}_j(S)$ is well defined for any general $S$? (That question extend to any $z\ne 1,-1$)
Cardinality of proper classes
>Proper classes are so large, that they don't really have a cardinality $$$$ Fun fact 1: In $ZF$, this statement (when state correctly) is equivalent to AC. $$$$ Fun fact 2: In $ZF$, even tho classes can be "not big", there exists a (class) function $f:V→Ord$ such that a class $C$ is proper if and only if $f''C$ is a proper class (An example of such $f$: the rank function) $$$$ Fun fact 3: It is consistent with $ZF$-regularity that there is no function like the above $f$
Are equinumerous size preserving models of a theory isomorphic?
If the definition above is correct, any model is isomorphic (as a model) to a size preserving model
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