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Exit path
  • Member for 8 years
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Canonical product in sheaf cohomology
@asv it’s an easy exercise to check that the right adjoint of a symmetric monoidal functor is lax symmetric monoidal
Smooth pullback of holonomic D-modules is fully faithful
@Gabriel I believe this is indeed true, and the same proof works. Essentially, since the category of holonomic D-modules is Artinian, we can reduce to the case where the base is smooth and the sheaf is a connection. Then check that the adjunction map is an iso on fibers using Poincare duality; the fact that the connection might have irregular singularities is immaterial. Thanks for the contact info, I will send a message when I have a chance
Can we use Mann's six-functor formalism with D-modules?
Isn’t it also possible to define a sheaf theory a la Gaitsgory-Rozenblyum which sends an affine scheme to its (Ind) category of holonomic D-modules? Unfortunately I don’t know how to define the latter on singular schemes without using embeddings into smooth schemes
Twisted D-module structure on pushfoward of structure sheaf of Bruhat cell
Twisted D-modules make sense on any space equipped with a torus bundle (see the accepted answer from this question). To twist D-modules on Bruhat cells just pull $G/N \to G/B$ back along the inclusion. To compute for $SL_2$, in principle you just need a concrete model of the line bundle as well as trivializations over both cells
Twisted D-module structure on pushfoward of structure sheaf of Bruhat cell
One can think of twisted D-modules as D-modules on the $T$-bundle $G/N \to G/B$ with fixed monodromy on each fiber. Since the Bruhat cells are affine, every $T$-bundle over them trivializes, so one can think of pushforward as going from ordinary D-modules to twisted ones. Obviously, this depends on a trivialization for each cell, so I'm not sure that's the right way to think about it
Explicit computation of inertia stacks
@user837898 an equivalence of stacks is an equivalence of categories which preserves Cartesian arrows, if you want to take the Cartesian fibration approach. If you want to take the functorial approach then an equivalence of stacks is a natural isomorphism of functors. Notice this notion of equivalence has nothing to do with descent; after all, the category of stacks is fully faithfully embedded in the category of prestacks
Base change isomorphism for left Kan extensions
Swapped the role of $\phi$ and $\psi$ to be consistent with the cited text
Base change isomorphism for left Kan extensions
Nice, thanks! I believe this should also encompass the example of $\varphi$ being a coCartesian fibration as I wrote in the comments
Base change isomorphism for left Kan extensions
@ZhenLin Unless I'm mistaken, I think the result follows for $\varphi$ a coCartesian fibration from Prop. in Kerodon. I'm not sure if one can somehow reduce the general case to this one
Base change isomorphism for left Kan extensions
@ZhenLin Great, thanks again for the clarification!
Base change isomorphism for left Kan extensions
@ZhenLin Thanks a bunch! Any chance you have a reference for this? I'm also slightly confused because aren't pullback squares special cases of comma squares?
Confusion about D-affineness and jet sheaves on projective line
Isn't $JF=D_{\mathbb{P}^1} \otimes_{\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}} F$? What is the map $JF \to F$?
D modules over nodal curves
As @WillSawin points out, I think this is incorrect as stated. For example, how would one obtain a skyscraper D-module at a smooth point using this description?
D modules over nodal curves
The ($\infty$-categorical) theory of D-modules satisfies descent along proper surjective maps (see Gaitsgory-Rozenblyum “Crystals and D-modules”). For a nodal curve this implies that a D-module is equivalently a D-module on the normalization with identifications on the nodes
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