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Enumerating subsets with no triple appearing together more than once

In fact, Wikipedia article on Steiner systems that you linked already provides an answer to your question: An $S(3,4,n)$ is called a Steiner quadruple system. A necessary and sufficient condition for ...
Max Alekseyev's user avatar
4 votes

Steiner-like systems on $\omega$

Sure, let $K$ be any countably infinite field and let $P$ be the projective plane (or a higher-dimensional projective space) over $K$. Let $S'$ be the set of lines in $P$ (where a line is regarded as ...
Andreas Blass's user avatar
2 votes

From Steiner systems to geometric lattices to matroids

Let $B$ be the subsets of $\{1,2,...,22\}$ of size $4$ which are not contained in any block of $S(3,6,22)$. $B$ satisfies the basis exchange property. Proof: Let $X,Y\in B$, $a\in X$. $X \setminus ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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1 vote

List coloring of a graph corresponding to a Steiner triple system

The said graph can be seen as the line graph of a rank three linear hypergraph. Some results on list coloring of this is known here. The list chromatic number of this is bounded above by $n$.
vidyarthi's user avatar
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