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15 votes

Are Spanier-Whitehead duals of general spaces expressible through some generalization of normal bundles?

Let $X$ be a finite complex. Then the functor $$\lim_X:\operatorname{Fun}(X,\operatorname{Sp})\to \operatorname{Sp}$$ sending a local system of spectra $E$ to its limit preserves all colimits. Indeed ...
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
6 votes

Is $\Sigma^\infty_+ O(n)^\vee$, the Spanier-Whitehead dual of the orthogonal group, an $A_\infty$-ring spectrum?

The question as stated probably requires clarification. If $X$ is a space, then the S-dual $D_+(X)$ (i.e., functions from $X_+$ to the sphere) is always an $E_\infty$-ring spectrum. In particular, it ...
John Klein's user avatar
  • 18.8k

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