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5 votes

Exact solution to a periodic linear ODE sought

Rather incredibly, your (corrected) system does have a closed-form solution, which I found with Maple's help. $$ x(t) = 1+4\,\cos \left( 2\,t \right) +3\,\sqrt {8\,\cos \left( 2\,t \right) + 17}$$ $y(...
Robert Israel's user avatar
3 votes

An elliptic operator whose corresponding symbol Hamiltonian vector field has an isolated periodic orbit

I'm going to assume that you want an isolated periodic orbit on some fixed energy level. Pick your favorite Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ such that there is an isolated closed geodesic. Then, the ...
Andy Sanders's user avatar
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2 votes

On properties of Besse spheres

It so happens I recently read this same passage in Besse's book. I am no expert, but here is how I understand it. Question 1. Let $p,q \in \mathbf{S}^2$ be two arbitrary points, and $\eta: [0,L] \to \...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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2 votes

Stable periodic orbits for three equal masses

The proposer gives as their definition of stability the standard notion of Lyapunov stability. Unfortunately, there are no known solutions for the planar or spatial three-body problem which are ...
Richard Montgomery's user avatar
1 vote

Floquet coefficients under time change

I may have a computation free answer to my own question. If we take a periodic orbit and define a section S. This allows to introduce a poincare return map P. Then, it is well known that the ...
herve's user avatar
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1 vote

Floquet coefficients under time change

It is better to see the connection on the level of semiflows generated by the equations. Namely, let $\varphi^{t}$ be the semiflow generated by $(1)$ and $\psi^{t}$ be the semiflow generated by $(2)$, ...
demolishka's user avatar

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