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13 votes

Where did the military money go?

This question is rather old, but never got an answer (though it did have some useful comments), so I'll try to answer it. First, yes, I think it's fair to say that the military funding for pure math ...
David White's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there grants supporting sabbatical year in US?

The normal way to do this would be to have a collaborator at a US institution invite you for an extended stay. That university could even give you a courtesy appointment like "Visiting Scholar.&...
7 votes

Are there grants supporting sabbatical year in US?

There is Fulbright scholars program.
6 votes

"Significant results" vs "Key outcomes or Other achievements"

These two categories, plus two more, are not mutually exclusive. For some research one category may be better applicable than another, and in any case you are only required to provide information for ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
6 votes

Are there examples of (successful) NSF mathematics proposals available anywhere online?

The renewal of this 2010 question asks for more recent NSF math grant proposals. A collection of proposals from 2000 through 2015 is at Christopher Bishop's home page. This site maintained by Dan ...
3 votes

Can NSF Broader Impact be an unrelated volunteer activity?

From the NSF's Grant Proposal Guide (GPG): "The statement on broader impacts should describe the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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