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5 votes

Cauchy identity for Jack functions

The dual Cauchy identity for Jack polynomials also exists, and is better expressed in terms of the $P$-normalized Jack polynomials: $$ \sum_{\lambda} P^{(a)}_ \lambda(\underline x)P^{(1/a)} _ {\lambda'...
Giulio R's user avatar
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4 votes

On $p$-adic Iwahori-spherical Whittaker functions

I'm afraid that this question has a disappointingly simple answer. Yes, the values of the Iwahori-spherical Whittaker functions have an interpretation as characters of representations; but they are ...
David Loeffler's user avatar
3 votes

About Cauchy identity for Schur polynomials

Yes. Here is the strategy that I typically use to derive symmetric-functions identities from symmetric-polynomials identities. It might not be the most general strategy, but it has so far been ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
3 votes

About Cauchy identity for Schur polynomials

Here is one possible approach to make the aruement rigorous: Define the two series on the left and the right as Taylor series over the monomials $$ y_1^{e_1} \cdot ... \cdot y_n^{e_n}; $$ in ...
Pedro Juan Soto's user avatar

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