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Questions about the properties of vector spaces and linear transformations, including linear systems in general.

1 vote

Projection and Positive matrices

What do you mean by "positive linear combination"? Try G=I. If you select any column of G, you'll find that its projection onto the space spanned by the other columns of G is the 0 vector.
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Pseudoinverse of columns of a matrix

I'm not aware of anything about $B^{+}\_{s}b_{c}$ that would be helpful here. It's not a column of the identity, because $B^{+}B$ isn't generally $I$. You can easily confirm this by looking at a ran …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Gordan's Theorem with $Ax=b$

This certainly won't work when $A=0$ and $b\neq 0$. In that case, $Ax=b$ has no solution and $A^{T}y>0$ has no solution. Another counterexample to consider is $A=[1\;\; -1; -1\;\; 1]$ and $b=[2; 1 …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

Complexity of EVD

In practice using algorithms in EISPACK or LAPACK on floating point single or double precision symmetric matrices, computing the EVD takes $O(n^3)$ time. The constant hidden within the big $O$ is con …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

On Random Vectors and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrices

In this case, it's easy enough to compute the probability exactly in terms of the incomplete beta function. Let $v$ be the fixed unit vector, and $r$ be the random unit vector, uniformly distributed …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
1 vote

Schur complement and "negative definite"!

No, that's not quite the generalization that you'll get when you extend the Schur complement theorem for positive definite matrices to negative definite matrices. Try using the fact that a matrix $X$ …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
1 vote

Fast multiplication of constant symmetric positive-definite matrix and vector.

In practice, on typical desktop computers and server class machines using the x86-64 architecture, matrix-vector multiplication is limited more by memory bandwidth than floating point operations. Thi …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Solving for an operator by minimization

You haven't said so, but I'm assuming that $\psi$ and $\phi$ are vectors. These could more generally be functions in some function space, and you would typically discretize those functions to work wi …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Multiple Linear Regression Estimation without full recalc

There's a very large literature on updating solutions to least squares problems as new data are added. The naive formula $\hat{\beta}=(X^{T}X)^{-1}X^{T}y$ can be problematic in practice because of nu …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Moore-Penrose bound question

If $Ax=b$ has a unique solution $x^{*}$, then $x_{m}=x^{*}$. If $Ax=b$ has infinitely many solutions, then $x_{m}$ will be one of these solutions. In particular, it will be the solution with the s …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
0 votes

Existence of nonnegative solutions to an underdetermined system of linear equations

Algorithmically, you can solve the linear programming problem: $\max \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} $ $Ax=0$ $x \geq 0$ If the maximum is strictly greater than zero, then there's a nonzero solution that sa …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
9 votes

How do you tell if a system of linear inequalities has a solution?

You haven't said whether you're interested in theoretical analysis or practical computation. At the practical level, you also haven't specified whether you can live with an approximate floating poin …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

Decompositions of sparse symmetric matrices and methods for solving large linear equations

I agree that this is a better question for Maybe. It depends on the sparsity structure of your particular matrix and the actual numerical values of the nonzero elements …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
1 vote

Ease of calculation of norm

I'm assuming that by $\| A^{1/2}b-z \|$, you're referring to the 2-norm and that by $A^{1/2}$, you're referring to the unique symmetric matrix square root of $A$. If you can precompute $A^{1/2}z$, …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
0 votes

Inequality-constrained linear-regression, what is the covariance of the estimator?

"Covariance Matrix" doesn't make a lot of sense in this situation, since there's no multivariate normal distribution around the fitted parameters. You could if you wanted look at a non-ellipsoidal co …
Brian Borchers's user avatar

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