If $Ax=b$ has a unique solution $x^{*}$, then $x_{m}=x^{*}$.
If $Ax=b$ has infinitely many solutions, then $x_{m}$ will be one of these solutions. In particular, it will be the solution with the smallest two-norm. There will be other solutions $x$ such $\| x-x_{m} \|$ is arbitrarily large.
If $Ax=b$ has no solutions then it isn't clear at all what you mean by referring to a specific $x$.
Are you asking about what happens in the presence of noise in $A$ or the right hand side vector $b$? In these cases the condition number of $A$ can be used to bound the effect of the noise on the pseudoinverse solution. Unfortunately, if $\mbox{cond}(A)=\infty$, there is no bound.